Make Sure Your Receptacles are Tamper-Resistant!

It was common for new parents to place plastic covers over the electrical outlets to prevent children from inserting objects like hairpins, keys, and nails that could cause them to receive an electric shock.

Safety plastic covers for receptacles

Nowadays we don’t need to rely on these plastic covers anymore. The tamper-resistant receptacle is the permanent solution to prevent these kinds of injuries. This generation of receptacles has a built-in shutter system that prevents anything from going into just one hole. The shutters will open only if two prongs are heading into the holes at the same time and we know it would be unlikely for a child to stick two pins into an outlet at the same time. Then our children will be safe with these receptacles.

The Canadian electrical code requires new homes to have tamper-resistant receptacles from 2009. However, if your house is older, it’s a great idea to check them and if they are not tamper-resistant replace them. Even if you don’t have a child at home, think about your friends’ or family’s when they come to meet you at your place.

Although the prices are not much different, unfortunately, the non-tamper-resistant receptacles are still on the shelf; so be careful to choose the right product.

This is the link to order 10-pack tamper-resistant receptacles at Lowe’s:
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